Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Friday, August 17, 2012

Funny Kyler

The other day, Kyler and I were heading home from somewhere, and for whatever reason, Kyler thought we should have a talent show at our house. We would invite all the neighbors and have them do their talent and our family would be the judges. Here is how the rest of the conversation went:

Kyler: We would be the judges.
Me: What would your talent be, Kyler?
Kyler: (Very matter-of-factly) Oh, speaking British; because I'm part British, you know.
Me: (Trying to smother a snort) Yes, I know you are.
Kyler: Sometimes I just speak British, and that is why people can't understand what I'm saying sometimes.
Me: Well that makes sense.

He is adorable!!!

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