Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Good thing they brought the sled!!

When Russ and the kids moved here and we were unpacking the moving truck, I asked why in the world they brought the sled with them? Well, today I know why.

And in addition to that question, I asked Russ why he had to get a 4-wheeler for Kyler when he was so little. We have more than gotten our money out of it, and we still have a long way to go with it!

Zoey getting on for a ride. (Kyler was stopped, so she wasn't trying to jump on a moving target. We all know poor, little Zoey inherited her mom's coordination.)
Kyler rolled Jake off when they went down the hill.
(Digital cameras aren't great when you want an action shot.)

Waiting her turn...not patiently though...

My little bobble head.

The 4-wheeler doesn't really have enough power for all three of the kids to "ride" and go very fast, but they still had alot of fun.