Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

At the lake

We had a great time at the lake today. We started off by abandoning the kids on an island. Seemed like the right thing to do. Shrug. LOL! We played and played on the lake. We took turns jumping off the boat--yes, even Kyler and Zoey! With the life jackets on, they swim like nobody's business. Kick, kick, kick, swim, swim, swim! Off they go. Had some lunch, then we began playing with the towable! Woo hoo! I am a boat person now! Gotta have one!

Russ helped me learn how to drive and what to watch for. (I didn't get a permit yet, but I am going to.) The best part was, Russ was able to ride on the tube as well. It is a BLAST driving the boat, and I can understand why Russ didn't really care if he didn't ride the tube, but he had his turn as well. It took me a bit to get the hang of it, but now I know how to do it! Watch out for the killer left turns!

Friday, July 9, 2010

4th of July

We can get AWESOME fireworks in Alabama! Not just the fountains, but bottle rockets, roman candles and ones that actually shoot up into the sky! It was so exciting! They were loud, but fun. We lit off some at home on the 2nd and enjoyed them. Then on the 3rd we went to Audrey and David's home for a visit. (See Audrey's blog for more on that.) Kennesaw's fireworks were fantastic! I really enjoyed the grand finale--it was spectacular! While we were at Audrey's we went to their pool and had a great time. Little Zoey is used to having her arm floaties, and we forgot to bring them with us, so she just walked into the pool and sunk...three times! Oops! But she wasn't too afraid--she leapt off the side for mommy and daddy to catch her. And Kyler Kid...well he is almost over his water phobia. He played and played where he could touch the bottom. And he is really trying hard to teach himself how to swim. I am very proud of him. I wish we would have taken the camera, because Jake--a.k.a. the Dork--kept getting into Nate's floatie. He wasn't totally stuck, but it was quite amusing watching him try to get unstuck!
All in all a great 4th of July weekend.
P.S. I think David and Nate were relieved when we left. We can be quite overwhelming if you aren't used to us. LOL! Thanks for letting us come visit David, Audrey and Nate. We will see you again soon.

Playing in the Rain

The rain here is so much different than in Idaho. It is warm! We can go out in it and play. Not long after the kids got here, we had a great thunderstorm and Jake was bored. I told him he could go play on the trampoline. He wasn't sure about it at first, but then he got into it. And, as we know, if Jake is doing it, then so must Kyler and Zoey!