Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Funny kiddo's

There have been a couple of funny things happen with the kids lately, so here they are:

Kyler: Mom, we should have a talent show and invite all the neighbors to be in it and we will be the judges!

Mom: Okay, great idea Kyler. Kyler if you were in a talent show, what would your talent be?

Kyler: Oh, that's easy--I would speak British, because I'm part British you know.

Mom: (Giggle) Yes, you are, I know.

Kyler: That's why people don't understand me sometimes, because I'm speaking British and they don't understand British

Mom: Oh, that's why, makes sense now.

And then there was Zoey the other night...

I was in bed, asleep, and Russ was in the living room watching tv. Zoey got up and went into the bathroom, upon flushing the toilet, it must have gotten air trapped in the line and made a terrible noise. Zoey screamed; ran out of the bathroom and banged open the door in my bedroom. I, groggily, asked what's the problem and Zoey replied she was scared. In the meantime, Russ heard a scream, a noise, and running. He thought I was the one that screamed and someone was in the bedroom with me--he was partially correct at least. Zoey had big alligator tears running down her face, and once Russ and I figured out what happened, we were trying not to laugh. While we were snickering, Russ said, "I'm surprised she still has panties on, she moved so fast." I was telling my friend at work about the incident, and we were laughing about it, just as I tell him Russ' last statement, our new supervisor walked in. The only part of the story he heard was, "...she still has panties on." He didn't know what to do, and looked back and forth between my friend and I and decided the best thing to do was just walk away...which made me laugh more because it wasn't a dirty story.

Then finally, after I had gotten home from work, I was checking with Russ and asking about kid's homework. He had been busy running them to and fro and they hadn't had time yet. So Russ asks Kyler to get his out so he can check it. Kyler blew it WAAAYYY out of proportion and lost his mind. Russ told him he needed to do one problem he had skipped over. Kyler started crying as though he had been told we were going to cut off a toe. This progresses further and further and Russ ended up booting Kyler in the butt (with the side of his boot, not the toe) and Kyler fell to the floor hollering, "I can't feel any parts on my body! I can't feel my body!" A tad dramatic if you ask me...