Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Puerto Rico!!!

As you know, Russ went to Puerto Rico this past November with the Air Force. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it...And for my birthday, I was able to join him for a few days!! (Best birthday...EVER!!)

For my birthday party, we took a nighttime sea kayaking trip to Bio-luminescent Bay. Because it was at night, and in the water, we didn't get any pictures, but it was the most AMAZING adventure! (See some pics here ) First, we had to paddle togther--a challenge. Although we did get the hang of it, I still caused some problems. Anyway, the point being, we made it to the Bay. I LOVED it! I would go back again and again if we could! Watching the water light up, and sparkle on my hand...WOW!

Then we went to Old San Juan and toured one of the forts. There are two forts on the island and one took 300 years to build, the other took 170 years. (It wouldn't have taken so long, but every time Puerto Rico was invaded, the marauders made changes to the fort.) We spent quite a bit of time there. Then we went shopping and to lunch. I like plantains. They were delicious!

Finally, we played at the beach. The beach was just out the back of the hotel, and it was a lovely, sandy beach. (One thing we discovered, kissing in the waves isn't as romantic as it looks in the movies. In reality, you get salt water up your nose and your feet washed out from under you.)

The best part of the trip? Hmmm...sea kayaking? Shopping? Probably realizing that I do like to spend time with Russ. So often it is a rush as we pass each other on the way out the door, and it is always noisy, that it is easy to forget that I really do like this man that I married.

Enjoy the pictures!
(We decided this can be our new beach house. Sure it is supposed to be a hotel, but that only means it is big enough to have visitors! Oh, and plenty of parking--a must.)


They are jumbled up, but here are a few pics. Zoey's Thanksgiving program is at the end of the Christmas pics...(and yes, they all got new PJ's and socks and underwear on Christmas's tradition! LOL!)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Just a quick post, mostly pictures today. Halloween was fun! We went to about three neighborhoods trick or treating. Zoey kept saying, "Three more houses and then one more." (That is how we get her to eat sometimes, "Four more bites, then one more." It works.)
We really try to make sure the kids all say Thank You to each person who gives them a treat. At one house, the kids were running down the driveway and I asked if they had said thank you. The boys said they did, but Zoey had forgotten. The woman was still at her door and Zoey wanted to go back and thank her. Before we got to the door, she went inside and Z was so upset. We rang the doorbell again and Z said thank you, but the woman was confused. I explained what had happened, and the woman thought it was so sweet, she gave Z another treat! See, good things will always come from doing the right thing!
Kyler was really excited when people knew he was Bobba Fette from Star Wars! He also had a great time and was really fun to be with. He is fun to tease sometimes because he gets giggly and silly.
Jake was very reluctant to go, but I didn't want to leave him alone with strangers coming to the house. He went as a "zombie" that hadn't fully changed yet. The mummy costume wasn't terribly successful last time and took longer than anticipated to get him ready for. But in the end, he had a good time also.
Now the pics...

Ready to go!

This year I thought it would be easier to paint our pumpkins...alas, I was wrong. It takes alot of white paint to cover the orange of a pumpkin. Jake carved his though, and did it faster than we did with painting...Kyler's is an alien, Zoey's is a kitty, and mine is a spider (but the legs keep falling off).
For Kyler and Zoey's teachers...
Kyler and Z both had two teachers they wanted to take something for, but I didn't have time to make 4 shoes, so they each took a shoe and a cauldron for teachers, and their classmates each received a skull with treats inside. I really like how everything turned out.
As soon as the camera came out, Zoey was ready with a pose. They are are awesome and I love them to pieces!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Good thing they brought the sled!!

When Russ and the kids moved here and we were unpacking the moving truck, I asked why in the world they brought the sled with them? Well, today I know why.

And in addition to that question, I asked Russ why he had to get a 4-wheeler for Kyler when he was so little. We have more than gotten our money out of it, and we still have a long way to go with it!

Zoey getting on for a ride. (Kyler was stopped, so she wasn't trying to jump on a moving target. We all know poor, little Zoey inherited her mom's coordination.)
Kyler rolled Jake off when they went down the hill.
(Digital cameras aren't great when you want an action shot.)

Waiting her turn...not patiently though...

My little bobble head.

The 4-wheeler doesn't really have enough power for all three of the kids to "ride" and go very fast, but they still had alot of fun.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Zoey said...

Zoey found a small cut on her thumb. She was quite distraught for a bit about it, mostly because she didn't know how it got there. As we were in the car headed somewhere, she was still contemplating the nick, when all of a sudden she realized what had happened!

"Oh, I know!" said Zoey. "My skin is breaking apart because I am growing big and big and big and it is falling off!"

Well, of course, why didn't we realize that?! Silly mommy and daddy!

Hugs and kisses!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011


I play ROBLOX and my account name is towleboy in the cool game ROBLOX

Still getting used to the South...

I really like it here in Alabama, but there are some things that take getting used to still. Registering for school, for one. I didn't know you have to dis-enroll your students before you can enroll them somewhere else. Previously, we have just enrolled them and the schools have taken care of the paperwork. After alot, and I do mean ALOT, of hassle, everyone is enrolled in school. Jake picked up his schedule and toured the school yesterday--he thinks he is going to like his new school.
Zoey has her open house today at her new school. She can't wait to start school again!
Kyler has his open house the day before class starts, on Aug. 10.
And Russ starts classes on Aug. 15.
Alot to keep up with...

The heat and humidity has also been a change to get used to. Some days I can take it better than others. It helps when I work, because I have to be outside and it helps tolerate the heat better (at least I think so).

And finally, things at the grocery store are different. Mostly, we don't have too much trouble finding what we usually use. Occasionally though, we find some gems we would never have thought to look for before, such as...

A WHOLE HOG'S HEAD! Yes, folks, this can be yours for less than $8! You get the eyes, the ears, the tongue, the snout, everything for one low price! (I declined to purchase it at the time because I just didn't know any good recipes for hogs head at the moment. You understand, right?)
Gotta love it!!!

Kyler's Birthday

Mmmmm...CAKE! Happy, happy birthday, Kyler Kid!
John, Michelle, and Garrett Murphy, Caleb (Kari's brother), Tina and (?) Byrd.
Maryann, Rosie, papaw, mamaw, Aunt Vicky, Kari's boyfriend Kyle at the party.
Kyler's friend, Garrett. Kyler spent alot, and I do mean alot, of time with Garrett and his family while he was "staying" with mamaw and papaw. The Murphy's would come get him and Kyler would stay for 4 or 5 days at a stretch. It really helped keep Kyler occupied because he could only take so much Polly Pockets with Zoey. LOL!
Kyler really loved all his presents--especially the Star Wars!
Zoey got a soaking during the water fight. She took it like a champ though, and for Zoey, she was pretty patient while waiting her turn. But, when it was her turn, there was no holding back and no loyalty. It didn't matter who filled the water gun, she would go right after them too!

Kyler's Summer

This summer has been Kyler's summer of Adventure! He has been a bit, well, chicken, about trying things. But, suddenly something clicked inside of him and he realized he can do alot of things. One day he decided he can ride his bike without training wheels! Russ had taken them off because they weren't really helping him, but Kyler didn't want to ride without them. So he just hopped on his bike and took off! I was so excited!!!! Then later that day, when we went to the lake to swim, he put on his goggles and decided he can swim! Yes, swim! On top of the water and under the water. It was a very big day for Kyler Kid! He has now learned how to ride one of Jake's bigger bikes, but I don't have a video of it yet. I will get one though.
Yeah for Kyler!!!!
P.S. He did his hair spikey by himself. Looks cool, huh?

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Take a look at my magnificent profile on ROBLOX, a amazing multiplayer hangout


Take a look at my sick profile in this free on-line universe I found

Sunday, June 12, 2011

We have moved!

Things have settled down now and I have been able to put some things away enough that I can take some pictures of the new place. (Just realized I forgot to get one of outside of the house. Oops!)

Moving was a bit frantic, as time was tricky, with work, kids school, and cleaning/painting the new place. I was able to get the main rooms painted before we moved--thank heavens! Here are a few (not so great) pictures:

Not as big as the one in Blackfoot, but MUCH, MUCH bigger than where we left.

Reading Room:

No tv, but comfy chairs and peace and quiet--maybe.

My bedroom:

Grey walls with a deep purple above the trim. I really like how it looks. Going to do a bit more to decorate, but not positive what I want to do yet.
Kyler Kid's Room:
Two walls are denim blue and the other two are a lighter blue. He would like to have some green in there too, but I haven't done anything with it yet. Working on getting it cleaned and organized still.

Jake the Snake's Room:
Jake's room is in the basement, but he has plenty of daylight with the four big windows in there. The two beds are built in, which is fun. It has a closet under the stairs that Jake is using for our library. He still has some cleaning and organizing to do too.

Spare Room:
In the basement and has these great bunk beds and built in shelves, but alas, there are not windows in there. We aren't comfortable calling it a bedroom without windows. True is it close to the stairs and the basement door, but we will avoid using it as a bedroom if we can.
Toy Room:
As you can tell by the mess of toys, this is the toy room. We have some cleaning and organizing to do here also. It isn't a great priority yet either, as this is down in the basement and out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

Exercise Room:
It is a big room with lots of open space. Russ has his equipment up, but he still needs to decide what the placement will be.

T.V. Room:
Big open room with lots of windows. The door to the patio is working, which is a bummer, but it is nice to have so much room. The t.v. doesn't have to be so loud so you can hear it over the dishwasher, people, and general home sounds.

Zoey's Room:
Z wanted a pink on pink room, but that was too much pink for mommy. So two walls are pink and two are white. It looks cute. But mommy had gotten Z some pink curtains, and now everything is pink. Mommy might have to talk to Aunt Audrey or Aunt Heather about sewing a liner to them. But it is a girls room!

I still need to paint my craft room, the entry way, hallway, and bathrooms; but they aren't critical to have done right now. This move has been good because we have gotten out some of the stuff we have from Japan, and I hope to put out more. I realized that we hadn't seen most of it since we moved to Blackfoot, just after Kyler was born--almost 7 years ago! Time to get it out. I will get more pics of the rest when stuff has been shifted around more.