Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Monday, May 30, 2011

Schools out!!!

Woo Hoo Hoo! School is OUT!

Kyler and Jake finished school up last week. On Monday, Kyler's school had an awards ceremony, and he was recognized for being a Student of the Month. Way to go, Kyler! I talked to his teacher afterwards, and she said she wished they had an award for Most Improved. He has done so well this year. He had a rough start with reading and language arts but has done alot of improvement. He has brought up his reading scores and is amazing in math! I'm so proud!!!

Jake had his awards ceremony on Tuesday of last week. Way to go, Jake! Jake received an award for receiving all A's and B's on his report cards! And Jake also received an award for reading--go figure. When they were reading the names of the reading awards, we waited and waited and waited. They were in alphabetical order, but didn't read Jake's name. I started to wonder what was going on. Jake's name was read last--for TOP 5th Grade Reader! He had over 500 AR points for the year. Well beyond what he needed. (Although they didn't give an award for it, Jake had the most AR points in the school.) Great job, Jake! I'm so proud of him too!

Zoey didn't have awards, but they did have a Mother's Day Lunch earlier this month. Zoey gave me a pretty picture she drew of me and a plate with her hand print on it. They are very pretty--Thank you Zoey!

I am looking forward to this summer when we will have more time to do things as a family instead of waiting for the one weekend each month we all have off during the school year. Woo Hoo Hoo!

Student of the Month--Kyler!

Just before school ended for the year we found out Kyler was chosen as one of the Student's of the Month, for First grade! We were so excited! I was able to go to his awards ceremony that morning--I was super excited to go too! I arrived and there were a few parent sitting around, but no students, and no tables with snacks for the kids--we weren't sure we were in the right place. Someone finally came and showed us to another room and we waited for the kids in there. When they came in, I waited and waited and no Kyler. Then they had a speaker. Still no Kyler. I didn't want to be rude and stand up and leave while she was talking, so I waited and finally she finished. (Okay, it was maybe 7 minutes.) I went to the person in charge and said, "I'm missing a kid." Oh, dear. It was a simple mistake. Kyler's teacher was gone and the substitute didn't know to send him. So they brought him right over and gave him a Student of the Month shirt. He was so excited! He didn't know what was going on and didn't expect to see me there either. We chatted while he ate his cupcake and then they had all the kids go up for recognition. I am so proud of him!
The 1st Grade Student's of the Month

Dadeville Elementary School

Student's of the Month

Good job Kyler!