Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Saturday, March 10, 2012


On Tuesday Zoey wanted to make a fort, but it was almost bedtime and I didn't want to get started playing so close to bedtime. Therefore, I promised I would make them one this weekend. Before Zoey and the boys arrived home from school on Friday, I had this fort ready for them. Kyler and Zoey were quite excited, and I believe Jake was too (he just doesn't want to seem impressed by things Kyler and Zoey like).

I solved the saggy middle problem by using some bamboo pole we have hanging around. I wanted to use our electric camping lantern to keep it lit inside, but the batteries are dead, so we used flashlights placed strategically around so it wasn't spooky.
And because we were camping, we needed to have roasted marshmallows.

After we put the fire out, it was time to settle down for bed. Kyler and Zoey had their sleeping bags and such ready, but then they became a little scared and decided to wait in my bed for me. I found this out by following the trail of lights left on and there they were--asleep. (I didn't feel like moving them, so I squished a pillow inbetween Kyler and I so I wouldn't get pushed out of bed.)


  1. Too cute. Jake still likes to have fun with hisittle brother and sister.
    Why didn't you make smores while you were at it?
    Love you all
    Aunt Heather

  2. Fun! These are the things they will remember - family fun time! Hugs and kisses to all,
    G & G in Idaho
