Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Something is different...

Notice anything different about Jake?

No? Hmmm... How about now?

Oh, well that is because you have to look deep into his eyes.

Still no?

Well, today he has contacts in! He said he was having some blurry vision in school, and it was time for me to have my eyes checked again, so we went to the eye doc today. Turns out, Jake is near-sighted. We talked to the doctor about options for Jake. I am not sure he is ready for contacts, as there is much work involved. But after all, I decided to let him try them out. He has a set to use for the next week for us to evaluate it.

He did a good job putting them in though. It probably only took about 30 min. to get both in for the first time. Then he had to take one out and he just popped it right back in. Jake is excited about it. Just in case though, we ordered a set of glasses also. I'll get a picture when they get in next week. We'll go back next week to talk to the doctor and see how he is doing with them and if they are fitting properly.


  1. Yeah for Jake. I remember putting in my contacts for the first time also. He will get super fast at it. Just watch out for water to the face...
    Aunt heather

  2. Jake, they look great! Good job putting them in so quickly.
