Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Getting dressed

Zoey is a funny little thing. She dresses herself most days and she does a cute job. The first two pics are from Dr. Suess day at school--wear your favorite hat. First Zoey wanted to wear her Dora hat, but her hat has gotten too small for her to wear, and she was sad. But then she found a Santa hat and that was just fine!

Notice her knee high socks? Those have the Loc Ness Monster on them (and they are mommy's socks).
(The hat has to be just right for pictures!)
This is the poodle skirt mommy thought she could make cheaper than the ladies mass producing them. (Mommy was wrong though, but only because she added the rhinestone leash and flowered belt.) Oh, and mommy picked up a size 7 pattern and it was WAY too big. Was the headache worth it? Yes, I think it was. She still wears it every now and then too.

1 comment:

  1. The skirt turned out super cute..And the little girl wearing it is super cute.
    Love you all
