Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Friday, August 5, 2011

Still getting used to the South...

I really like it here in Alabama, but there are some things that take getting used to still. Registering for school, for one. I didn't know you have to dis-enroll your students before you can enroll them somewhere else. Previously, we have just enrolled them and the schools have taken care of the paperwork. After alot, and I do mean ALOT, of hassle, everyone is enrolled in school. Jake picked up his schedule and toured the school yesterday--he thinks he is going to like his new school.
Zoey has her open house today at her new school. She can't wait to start school again!
Kyler has his open house the day before class starts, on Aug. 10.
And Russ starts classes on Aug. 15.
Alot to keep up with...

The heat and humidity has also been a change to get used to. Some days I can take it better than others. It helps when I work, because I have to be outside and it helps tolerate the heat better (at least I think so).

And finally, things at the grocery store are different. Mostly, we don't have too much trouble finding what we usually use. Occasionally though, we find some gems we would never have thought to look for before, such as...

A WHOLE HOG'S HEAD! Yes, folks, this can be yours for less than $8! You get the eyes, the ears, the tongue, the snout, everything for one low price! (I declined to purchase it at the time because I just didn't know any good recipes for hogs head at the moment. You understand, right?)
Gotta love it!!!


  1. I wonder if you could do a hog's head and goat head cheese together? Might have to google it! Mom in Idaho

  2. There should NEVER be a reason to purchase that! If you ever do, we will NOT come to your house for dinner ever again.
    Also, I have been here for almost 6 years, and I am still not used to the heat and humidity (mostly the humidity). Good luck on that.
