Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Friday, August 5, 2011

Kyler's Birthday

Mmmmm...CAKE! Happy, happy birthday, Kyler Kid!
John, Michelle, and Garrett Murphy, Caleb (Kari's brother), Tina and (?) Byrd.
Maryann, Rosie, papaw, mamaw, Aunt Vicky, Kari's boyfriend Kyle at the party.
Kyler's friend, Garrett. Kyler spent alot, and I do mean alot, of time with Garrett and his family while he was "staying" with mamaw and papaw. The Murphy's would come get him and Kyler would stay for 4 or 5 days at a stretch. It really helped keep Kyler occupied because he could only take so much Polly Pockets with Zoey. LOL!
Kyler really loved all his presents--especially the Star Wars!
Zoey got a soaking during the water fight. She took it like a champ though, and for Zoey, she was pretty patient while waiting her turn. But, when it was her turn, there was no holding back and no loyalty. It didn't matter who filled the water gun, she would go right after them too!


  1. Happy, happy Birthday, Kyler! We love you so much and wish we could have been there! We miss you all so very much! G & G in Idaho

  2. Glad that Kyler had a good party. I will get a present in the mail soon.
