Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Monday, August 15, 2011

Zoey said...

Zoey found a small cut on her thumb. She was quite distraught for a bit about it, mostly because she didn't know how it got there. As we were in the car headed somewhere, she was still contemplating the nick, when all of a sudden she realized what had happened!

"Oh, I know!" said Zoey. "My skin is breaking apart because I am growing big and big and big and it is falling off!"

Well, of course, why didn't we realize that?! Silly mommy and daddy!

Hugs and kisses!!!


  1. She is growing big and big. That is super cute though.

  2. Zoey,
    You have to stop growing so big so your skin doesn't fall off.

  3. Can't wait to see how big and big she got. Hopefully she still has some skin when I see you guys in Dec.

    ~ l ~
