Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Friday, August 5, 2011

Kyler's Summer

This summer has been Kyler's summer of Adventure! He has been a bit, well, chicken, about trying things. But, suddenly something clicked inside of him and he realized he can do alot of things. One day he decided he can ride his bike without training wheels! Russ had taken them off because they weren't really helping him, but Kyler didn't want to ride without them. So he just hopped on his bike and took off! I was so excited!!!! Then later that day, when we went to the lake to swim, he put on his goggles and decided he can swim! Yes, swim! On top of the water and under the water. It was a very big day for Kyler Kid! He has now learned how to ride one of Jake's bigger bikes, but I don't have a video of it yet. I will get one though.
Yeah for Kyler!!!!
P.S. He did his hair spikey by himself. Looks cool, huh?


  1. Love it! He is growing way too fast! G & G in Idaho.

  2. Good job Kyler! That is so exciting.
