Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Puerto Rico!!!

As you know, Russ went to Puerto Rico this past November with the Air Force. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it...And for my birthday, I was able to join him for a few days!! (Best birthday...EVER!!)

For my birthday party, we took a nighttime sea kayaking trip to Bio-luminescent Bay. Because it was at night, and in the water, we didn't get any pictures, but it was the most AMAZING adventure! (See some pics here ) First, we had to paddle togther--a challenge. Although we did get the hang of it, I still caused some problems. Anyway, the point being, we made it to the Bay. I LOVED it! I would go back again and again if we could! Watching the water light up, and sparkle on my hand...WOW!

Then we went to Old San Juan and toured one of the forts. There are two forts on the island and one took 300 years to build, the other took 170 years. (It wouldn't have taken so long, but every time Puerto Rico was invaded, the marauders made changes to the fort.) We spent quite a bit of time there. Then we went shopping and to lunch. I like plantains. They were delicious!

Finally, we played at the beach. The beach was just out the back of the hotel, and it was a lovely, sandy beach. (One thing we discovered, kissing in the waves isn't as romantic as it looks in the movies. In reality, you get salt water up your nose and your feet washed out from under you.)

The best part of the trip? Hmmm...sea kayaking? Shopping? Probably realizing that I do like to spend time with Russ. So often it is a rush as we pass each other on the way out the door, and it is always noisy, that it is easy to forget that I really do like this man that I married.

Enjoy the pictures!
(We decided this can be our new beach house. Sure it is supposed to be a hotel, but that only means it is big enough to have visitors! Oh, and plenty of parking--a must.)

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are still enjoying being married to Russ. Glad you both had a great time on vacation. Pictures are amazing.
