Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Just a quick post, mostly pictures today. Halloween was fun! We went to about three neighborhoods trick or treating. Zoey kept saying, "Three more houses and then one more." (That is how we get her to eat sometimes, "Four more bites, then one more." It works.)
We really try to make sure the kids all say Thank You to each person who gives them a treat. At one house, the kids were running down the driveway and I asked if they had said thank you. The boys said they did, but Zoey had forgotten. The woman was still at her door and Zoey wanted to go back and thank her. Before we got to the door, she went inside and Z was so upset. We rang the doorbell again and Z said thank you, but the woman was confused. I explained what had happened, and the woman thought it was so sweet, she gave Z another treat! See, good things will always come from doing the right thing!
Kyler was really excited when people knew he was Bobba Fette from Star Wars! He also had a great time and was really fun to be with. He is fun to tease sometimes because he gets giggly and silly.
Jake was very reluctant to go, but I didn't want to leave him alone with strangers coming to the house. He went as a "zombie" that hadn't fully changed yet. The mummy costume wasn't terribly successful last time and took longer than anticipated to get him ready for. But in the end, he had a good time also.
Now the pics...

Ready to go!

This year I thought it would be easier to paint our pumpkins...alas, I was wrong. It takes alot of white paint to cover the orange of a pumpkin. Jake carved his though, and did it faster than we did with painting...Kyler's is an alien, Zoey's is a kitty, and mine is a spider (but the legs keep falling off).
For Kyler and Zoey's teachers...
Kyler and Z both had two teachers they wanted to take something for, but I didn't have time to make 4 shoes, so they each took a shoe and a cauldron for teachers, and their classmates each received a skull with treats inside. I really like how everything turned out.
As soon as the camera came out, Zoey was ready with a pose. They are are awesome and I love them to pieces!

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