Fields Family 2009

Fields Family 2009
Finally, a family picture

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fishing at Scouts

Last Saturday was the first day of Scouts for Jake and Kyler. Neither of them wanted to go though. I worked that day, so Russ hustled them out the door. Looks like it was a good day after all. The badge they worked on this week was Fishing. By the looks of it, all three of them should get that badge! There were a few other kids there (and Jake made a friend! They have the same interests--computer games, reading, etc. Imagine that--someone else DOES like the same things Jake does! Who would have thought?!) They each caught at least one fish with the regular fishing pole and Jake also caught one with a stick pole they made. They all had a great time. Zoey loved the idea of fishing too. She would throw it out and bring it back in before the fish even had a chance to see the lure. So Russ helped her slow down and catch two fish! She didn't want to touch the bait (can't blame her a bit!), but he did make her throw the fish back in. After the first one, she didn't mind quite so much. They all would have stayed out longer--they had a great time!

They are looking forward to Scouts now! It is a small group--even smaller than Blackfoot. Russ has volunteered to help with the Pack, too. I can't wait to go to Scouts and join in the fun too!

P.S. Although, it may look as though Zoey stabbed a fish with the pole, it is just how she is holding it. The fish was just on a hook and released back to its home.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! I am glad that Jake made a friend, do they go to the same school? Tha would be lucky.

  2. They do go to the same school, and they will both be in the after school program together also. Good news!
